
I’m a second year Ph.D. student at National University of Defense Technology, proudly advised by Prof. Xiang Zhao. My research interests focus on temporal reasoning, knowledge graph, and large language models.

    I am actively looking for academic exchange and collaboration.


  • [arXiv 2023] Temporal knowledge question answering via abstract reasoning induction
    Ziyang Chen, Dongfang Li, Xiang Zhao, Baotian Hu, Min Zhang

  • [ACL 2023] Multi-granularity temporal question answering over knowledge graphs
    Ziyang Chen, Jinzhi Liao, Xiang Zhao
    [pdf] [code] [data]

  • [arXiv 2023] A survey of large language models attribution
    Dongfang Li, Zetian Sun, Xinshuo Hu, Zhenyu Liu, Ziyang Chen, Baotian Hu, Aiguo Wu, Min Zhang
    [pdf] [code]

  • [KBS 2022] Temporal knowledge graph question answering via subgraph reasoning
    Ziyang Chen, Xiang Zhao, Jinzhi Liao, Xinyi Li, Evangelos Kanoulas
    [pdf] [code]

Research Internship

  • 2024.02-present:: Research Intern at Institute for Intelligence Computing (DAMO Academy), Alibaba Group.
  • 2023.07-2024.02: Research Intern at Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen (HIT-SZ), advised by Prof. Baotian Hu.